Explore the city at your own pace


Discover the city how and when you want with our on-demand guided tours.

Tourism made new


Wanderar's mobile app empower travelers to embark on self-guided walking tours in any city worldwide, whether exploring popular tourist destinations or off-the-beaten-path locations.

On-Demand Tours

Travelers can access an extensive library of walking tours instantly, with the freedom to choose and customize their routes based on personal interests and time constraints.

Immersive guidance

Our tours provide audio commentary, insider tips, and fascinating stories, ensuring a captivating and informative journey.

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Our innovative mobile app

You're in a new city, eager to explore its hidden gems and fascinating history. But traditional walking tours are often limited in spots, move at a fast pace, and lack interactivity.
That's where Wanderar comes in!


Freedom to tour whenever you want. You can start the tour at any time of the day. No booking required.

At your own pace

No more following the fast strides of the tour guide, with Wanderar you can tour as fast or slow as you want.

Easy to use

The app will show available tours on your area, you just need to choose the one you like the most and start wandering!

Our founders

Federico Keegan, CEO and Co-Founder

"With over 17 years in the IT sector, I've honed a deep understanding of software development, leading both QA and Development teams that are global and distributed. My track record shows that I was able to build exceptional teams both on large companies and startups, being part of multiple successes.
Passionate about discovering new places as a seasoned traveler. Roaming the world infuses a unique perspective that I use on everything I undertake."

Vanesa Iavarone, CPO and Co-Founder

"With over 15 years in QA and Product Management, I bring a keen attention to detail and a steadfast sense of ownership to every project. I'm passionate about building teams from scratch, fostering a vibrant work environment and becoming the go-to source of truth. Always customer-focused, I have a deep commitment to delivering an unparalleled user experience. My travels and immersion in diverse cultures have broadened my perspective, further enriching my approach to challenges."

Exciting adventures await!

Get Ready to Wander with Wanderar!

Get ready to explore the world like never before with Wanderar, the new tour app that's set to redefine your travel experience.Get notified to be the first to know when a new city tour is added! Don't miss out on our news and exciting early bird offers.

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